Gravity Forms Create Optgroups to Separate Select Options

About The Author
Cabe Nolan is the founder of WP Cover where he shares his insight into WordPress, development, & entrepreneurship. Outside of WPCover, Cabe continues to run a successful WordPress development firm, Bold City Design as well as a few high profile websites, Arrivala, Two Way Resume, Dock Skipper, and a successful outdoors brand, DolfinPack.

Gravity Forms Create Optgroups to Separate Select Options

Gravity Forms is another plugin that I leverage on the majority of sites I develop.  It’s well developed, well maintained, and has all the necessary features you would expect from a form builder.  While I was building a Gravity Form the other day, I had the need to create Optgroups within the default Drop Down field.  After doing a bit of searching, I stumbled across this great filter on Github.

 * Filter Gravity Forms select field display to wrap optgroups where defined
 * USE:
 * set the value of the select option to `optgroup` within the form editor. The 
 * filter will then automagically wrap the options following until the start of 
 * the next option group

add_filter( 'gform_field_content', 'filter_gf_select_optgroup', 10, 2 );
function filter_gf_select_optgroup( $input, $field ) {
    if ( $field->type == 'select' ) {
        $opt_placeholder_regex = strpos($input,'gf_placeholder') === false ? '' : "<\s*?option.*?class='gf_placeholder'>[^<>]+<\/option\b[^>]*>";
        $opt_regex = "/<\s*?select\b[^>]*>" . $opt_placeholder_regex . "(.*?)<\/select\b[^>]*>/i";
        $opt_group_regex = "/<\s*?option\s*?value='optgroup\b[^>]*>([^<>]+)<\/option\b[^>]*>/i";

        preg_match($opt_regex, $input, $opt_values);
        $split_options = preg_split($opt_group_regex, $opt_values[1]);
        $optgroup_found = count($split_options) > 1;

        // sometimes first item in the split is blank
        if( strlen($split_options[0]) < 1 ){
            $split_options = array_values( $split_options );

        if( $optgroup_found ){
            $fixed_options = '';
            preg_match_all($opt_group_regex, $opt_values[1], $opt_group_match);
            if( count($opt_group_match) > 1 ){
                foreach( $split_options as $index => $option ){
                    $fixed_options .= "<optgroup label='" . $opt_group_match[1][$index] . "'>" . $option . '</optgroup>';
            $input = str_replace($opt_values[1], $fixed_options, $input);

    return $input;


How do you use it? First, copy and paste the above code into your active themes function.php file.

From there, you will want to create a Drop Down field within your Gravity Form and make sure the checkbox that states ‘Show Values’ is ticked. Next, add the value ‘optgroup’ wherever you want to create a new options group.

The result is a beautiful and more importantly, organized select drop down:



  1. JK says:

    Not workin with the latest verstion.

  2. Dylan says:

    Yes not working in latest version. How can I get it to work in the latest version??

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