Populated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Select With BuddyPress Groups
Populated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Select With BuddyPress Groups
As I’ve mentioned, I’ve recently taken on a project that works heavily with BuddyPress. While I have a little bit of past experience with BuddyPress, it’s a bit of a learning game. Of course I’m leveraging one of my favorite plugins, Advanced Custom Fields whenever possible. Today, we’re going to look at a function I wrote to populate an ACF select fields based on BuddyPress groups the user is apart of. Here is the snippet in its entirety:
function acf_load_bp_groups( $field ) { // Reset choices $field['choices'] = array(); $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $groups = array(); if ( bp_has_groups('user_id=' . $user_id) ) : while ( bp_groups() ) : bp_the_group(); $groups[] = bp_get_group_name() . '_' . bp_get_group_id(); endwhile; endif; // Populate choices foreach( $groups as $group ) { $groupvalues = explode('_', $group); $field['choices'][ $groupvalues[1] ] = $groupvalues[0]; } // Return choices return $field; } // Populate select field using filter add_filter('acf/load_field/name=your_field_name', 'acf_load_bp_groups');
Additional parameters could be placed within the BuddyPress query groups line if needed. Hope this helps somebody else in need!
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